We worship every Sunday at 9:30 AM in the sanctuary on the upper level. During this Covid-19 pandemic, we are worshipping in person, observing recommended precautions. Here’s what you can expect:
- Enter the church wearing a mask. We have a few spares if you don’t have one.
- Just outside the sanctuary are the offering plate and a table stacked with sanitized hymnals and bulletins.
- Enter the sanctuary with reverence. For social distancing, every other pew is marked with green tape. Choose a seat in one of these rows.
- We open with a contemporary song or two with the Praise Band.
- The pastor then leads the pastoral prayer.
- Then we hear the wisdom of the Bible through the Sunday message by Pastor Paula, Pastor Patty, or Pastor Jennifer.
- When you leave the sanctuary at the end of the service, return the hymnal to the table after wiping it with the disinfectant.
Two or three traditional hymns are interspersed through out the service.